Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I made Pick of the day (1/29) again! The "I believe in Fairies" LO was picked. Thats 2 LOs with in 11 days, on the same website- Serendipty Scrapbooks. It's so nice to get positive feedback from your peers. Especially when they are all talented artists themselves.
Anyway...doing the happy dance!

I made this one in a few hours! Thats a record for me I think. I had the photos with some other paper to go together for a LO, but then saw it all in a different light when I saw a sketch on a website. Luckily I found the netting and sand dollar right away, and it all just fit together.
So glad that I am getting faster and "thinking" less about the LO before I get it done. I don't really have a goal, but would like to have at least one LO done a week for myself (not for a DT or contest). So far, so good.
Anyway, the paper used was MME Bohemia and so were the title and tag. The background paper is Around the Block.
These shot were taken at Seaside, OR. Back when I had a 35mm Camera, not digital. Seems so long ago. Remember that?? Taking pictures and not knowing what they looked like or if they turned out ok, until you got the film developed?? I don't think I could go back to film.
Anyway, thanks for dropping by and looking!
TTFN! Melanie

Monday, January 29, 2007

Crafty Monday...

Today was a crafty day for me and Sienna. We had to finish her "Me" doll for school. The kinders talked about friends and what is was to be a good "friend". So, each kinder got to bring home a blank "me" doll to decorate, and write a paragraph on how their "me" doll was a good friend.

We found lots of cool stuff to use on Sienna's "Me" doll from the Goodwill outlet store (pay by the pound). We cut up a baby hat to make her dress and shoes. Cut up a string of "pearl" beads to make a necklace. Used yarn and ribbon to make pony tails, and used some sparkley trim to make a crown. And last, but not least, we added the fairy wings. Sienna's "me" doll is playing dress up.

The story that goes with Sienna's me doll is:

This is a doll of Sienna. I dressed her with a purple dress and shoes. She has fairy wings. She loves to share her dress-up clothes with her friends.

I was also busy with my CW DTCall project. Won't talk about it, it's top secret for now. :) But, I wanted to get it finished- which I did, to be able to take photos of it while I had natural light to use. Anyway, one project down, 4 more to go!



Thursday, January 25, 2007

Scrappin' thursday...

Today I finished a LO for Sweetpeas Scraps' monthly sketch challenge. I had to use a sketch given to us, along with the monthly scrapbook kit. It was a pretty difficult on for me, because the papers were not my style.
Half were a tan color with subtle patterns (strips, dots, paisley), the rest were black Rusty Pickle papers, with some journaling printed on them.
I ended up coloring in the paisely pattern with a pink highlighter pen, and using a bit of the previous month's kit paper, that was colored a minty green. The "life" is from a piece of the patterned paper that I cut out and inked. The swirl is from last month's kit too. It's a chipboard piece that I also inked. The flowers are layers of punch outs, clear plastic flowers and silk flowers. Most of the other embellies are from this month's kit.
I think I did pretty good, given that I had to step out of my box to make this work. It definately was a challenge. Now I just hope for a WIN!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Slow Sunday

Finished up this LO for CW scrapbook club monthly challenge. Dropped it off today at the store. Lots of other entries, hopefully I still win something. Got some nice feedback for this one, from some sites that I post my LOs at. I have a couple more LO contests to work on this week. Hope to get at least one project done.
Looking at lots of galleries lately...lots of talented artists. Seems to be alot of artsy type of scrapbooking going around. I have been wanting to try and use a more "freestyle" style, but have been hesitant. On the other hand, alot of the magazines have been showing "simple" and clean scrapbook styles too. I guess my style is more in the middle??
Anyway, my goal is to make at least one LO a week for myself- not for a challenge or contest, but for myself.
TTFN! Melanie

Friday, January 19, 2007

It's friday, finally the weekend of a long week. Two no school "snow days", 3 DT contests entered, 3 contest results, one GDT win - but 2 losses. I guess 1 out of 3 isn't so bad for an unknown scrapper like myself. I still have the CW DT to try out for. That deadline is in February. I am hoping to be part of it again.
I did make LO of the day, twice now, on 2 different sites. guess that is means something.
Anyway, feeling pretty down about the whole losing thing. If they weren't all in one week, it might have felt less tragic.???
I'm going to enter the local CW scrapbook club monthly challenge. Not to toot my own horn, but I always win that (a $10 gift cert.), so that will be a nice ego boost.
Well, hope to have a nice weekend- will try to get some non contest scrapping in. May make me feel better???
TTFN- mel

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Another SNOW Day!

Another day without school! Dave did go into work today. So, it was jus me and Sienna. Of course, she wanted to out and play in the snow as soon as she woke up! But, that didn't happen. We did go out side for about an hour and a half and made us a great Hawaiian Snow Lady as you see above. We even gave her a nice "chi chis". :) Sienna even played with bubbles. They seemed to just hover in the air and landed on the snow before popping. Very cool.
Anyway, great news, made it as a GDT (guest design team) for! WHOO HOO! Didn't make the DT, but pretty darn awesome to get choosen for the GDT, out of hundreds that applied!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


We had a surprise this morning and woke up to an inch of snow!
No school today. No work for Dave either. So, we had a snowy fun family day together. I did get a LO finished too. And also a DT entry finished and entered.
Unfortunately, it will be a snowy, slushy day tomorrow too. We are all getting cabin fever already, and kind of running out of groceries. So, hopefully it will warm up enough tomorrow so that life can resume as more or less normal.


Monday, January 15, 2007

Crazy Monday

No school today, Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Sienna and I got to sleep in. That was very nice. I aslo got the chance to finish a LO that I made for a DT Call. Unfortunately, I didn't finish it in enough time to get some good natural light- to photograph it in. It looks ok though. The photo does not give the colors justice. Anyway, I'm thinking I need to get a scanner soon. That would probably solve my lighting problems.
Anyway, time to wind down, so I can get to sleep at a reasonable hour.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

What a day!

What a day! We decided to take our monthly trip to Walmart today. We don't have any that are really close so, we have to drive 45- 60 minutes to get to one. Anyway, we didn't last 15 minutes, when Sienna decided today was going to be her meltdown episode. Right in the middle of the craft isle (of course). Screaming from the top of her lungs, she went on that we were "mean" and "not nice" and "didn't love her", because I told her we weren't going to buy her a new Barbie. I tried to ignore it and continue to shop, but she was getting too much attention from everyone. So, we left. Time and gas wasted. Plus, she continued her tantrum in the car for another 1/2 hour. Anyway, next time I'll venture to wally world by myself.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

January 8, 2007

Welcome to SCRAP-alicious! This is my first post, on my first ever Blog.

I hope to show and share my love of scrapbooking, paper crafting, and art in my everyday life. Art has been a life saving, and theraputic force in my life. Being creative, through scrapbooking, has helped me deal with a multitude of health issues, especially with my chronic disease, Lupus. I hope my Blog will inspire you to be creative too!

I will soon load pics of my favorite scrapbook layouts and projects here on SCRAP-alicious.

Thanks for stopping by!

ALoha, Melanie

Welcome Spring!