Today was the hardest day of my life. I had to make the decision to take my Princey poo in to the Vet to be euthanized. Even now, writing this, my tears are flowing. He blessed us with four months of his life. Unfortunately, at least half of it was him not feeling well. Prince had been diagnosed with the FIP virus. At his age, Prince should have been an active playfuk kitten, but instead he was a tired withdrawn. He spend most his last days curled upo with Steiner, our eldest cat, in the heated cat bed.
We know he is now happy, at Rainbow Bridge, and free to be a kitten. Playing with balls and string to his hearts delight. We know he wanted to play here with us, but was unable to. So, now at the Rainbow Bridge, he will have other animals to play with and keep him company until we meet again. And cross the Rainbow Bridge together.
We will always remember our special, light blue eyed boy, who stole my heart the first time I saw him. My heart is now aching for him, I hope he can forgive me for doing what I did. I will always love you my Princey Poo, my poo poo boy.
For more info on FIP virus see: